Logo: ListenTALK


Interpreters can use ListenTALK to deliver simultaneous translation direct to tour party guests. 

Graphic - language interpretation mode

 5 year warranty



ListenTALK is the complete tour solution whether a small, private tour party or a whole tour bus of travellers and makes it easy for interpreters to provide simultaneous translation to guests.

ListenTALK also simplifies simultaneous interpretation in applications like business meetings, public hearings, education, and training, while enhancing natural conversation, and delivering great performance. 

ListenTALK is secure - using advanced encryption technology for privacy when needed.

Interpreters can hear the source (floor) language and simultaneously deliver interpretation to an unlimited number of participants from one ListenTALK unit with a headset. Groups can be configured for a relay interpretation scenario as well.

ListenTALK provides complete flexibility for all multi-language groups.


Graphic showing Interpretation types - simultaneous, whisper, relay, liaison, consecutive

Benefits for Interpreters

Interpreters can use one ListenTALK unit to hear the tour leader or presenter’s message (floor language) in their headset and speak the interpreted words direct to their listeners.

Listeners also can use the push-to-talk feature to ask the interpreter questions. Interpreters do not need to carry a separate receiver and transmitter, or juggle two headsets or a microphone - there is just one headset with a ListenTALK device to hear audio from both the presenter and their listeners and to relay interpretations to listeners. The tour guide and interpreters can choose the headset most suited to them from the range of ListenTALK headsets (single ear or dual earphones, for example).

ListenTALK also enables relay, or two-deep interpretation - meaning an interpreter can listen to another interpreter’s words and then translate those words for their own language group. For instance, a presenter may speak Spanish and an interpreter who understands Spanish interprets for English listeners. One of the English listeners is able to interpret into German.

  • Up to 30 simultaneous language channels
  • Fully portable
  • Sim. Tran., Relay, Consecutive, and Liaison options
  • Easy to join or move between tours/languages


Typical Interpretation Example

A walking tour with English, French and German guests.

  • ENGLISH GROUP - the tour guide is speaking English and is talking directly to English speaking guests
  • FRENCH GROUP - the first interpreter listens to the English tour guide and provides simultaneous translation to the French speaking guests
  • GERMAN GROUP - the second interpreter listens to the English tour guide and provides simultaneous translation to the German speaking guests.


Image shows Simple Interpretation Setup for Three Languages on a Tour


Pairing the Interpreter to the Tour Leader or Floor Language

It is easy for you, as the interpreter, to join a tour group while at the tour location, using ListenTALK's Near Field Communications (NFC) feature. Just hold the interpreter unit close to the back of the tour leader's ListenTALK device, you'll hear a "bleep" to confirm the pairing, and you're good to go! Guests who would like to listen to your simultaneous interpretation, repeat the pairing with your device. 

Image showing pairing of ListenTALK devices using NFC


One System, Many Possibilities

Using the above NFC feature also allows you, as an interpreter to take guests between groups - your host event can have several English speaking tourguides, each covering separate areas of a factory, for example, and you [as interpreter] can lead your guests on each of those tours, providing seamless language interpretation.  Additional interpreter/guest groups can operate too - up to 30 groups/languages in the same area!

Groups and their interpreters can be set up in advance using the multi-way charger-docking station connected to a PC and ListenTALK's free Software Suite. This also allows naming of the groups on the ListenTALK device's display, e.g. "VIP Group", "Deutsche", "Cymraeg".



Apple Sound Ltd is a Trusted Partner & reseller for Listen Technologies in the UK & Ireland.